We specialise in providing well-considered, thorough and affordable design concepts as well as being able to provide full service to help your project either through early design or from beginning to end should you require.


FREE INITIAL CONSULATION - A Free, no obligation meeting to discuss your project needs and goals, and see how we may be able to help. (Canberra onsite or over zoom) Prior to or following this meeting you’ll be asked to complete a short questionnaire to help define your project requirements and aspirations. Ready to begin? Click here to download the questionnaire and click below to organise a time to meet.


The purpose of preparing this report is to confirm our understanding of your brief requirements, understand site constraints, planning restrictions and opportunities, take a ‘broad brush’ approach to explore various planning arrangement options to fit the site/project & through the process do the necessary ‘ground work’ in order to get onto the ‘same page’ about your project goals & design direction.

We encourage new clients to gather early feedback and concept ideas from as many people and design companies as they can. We focus on ‘first principle design thinking’ and do our best to help you to ‘Cast a wide net’ in the early stages of design. Our fixed price ‘Planning Options’ & ‘Concept Design’ Reports are designed to help facilitate this process for you (without getting locked into a fee agreement).

TYPICAL REPORT COSTS (However exact quote may be provided following initial free consultation to suit your unique design challenge:

Garages: $390 (plus GST)

Detached Granny Flats / Secondary Dwellings: $590 (plus GST)

New homes, Extensions & Internal Reconfigurations: $1680 (plus GST)

Dual Occ, Multi-Unit Developments, Fee indicated following initial consultation.

STEP 3 - Concept Design

Following on from the selection of a planning arrangement this will be developed further to accommodate your brief requirements. The Concept design, and associated report contains all the key and major ideas of the design. At this stage we will develop the 3D model of the existing site/house/building to begin to further explore Form & Massing. This is presented in the form of a ‘Concept Design Report’ including key ideas and environmental design opportunities, Concept Site / Landscape plan, Concept Floorplan/s, Concept Sections, Shading Studies & concept 3D perspectives, and suggested selections and materials.

Indicative costs, project specific quote will be provided with Planning report/discounts available for multiple options developed to Concept Design level:

Garages: $1900 (plus GST) per selected planning option developed to concept level.

Detached Granny Flats/ Secondary Dwellings: $2200 (plus GST) per selected planning option developed to concept level.

New homes & Extensions: $3090 (plus GST) per selected planning option developed to concept level.

Dual Occ, Multi-Unit Developments: Fee indicated as part of Preliminary Planning Report.



Stage 1 is the main ‘Design Phase’ and incorporates the three steps and reports above as well as PSP & FSP drawing sets. Following the Concept Design Report and having developed an understanding of your needs and project requirements we prepare and issue to you a Fee Proposal for the remaining works for your consideration and approval. (As an indication, and depending upon the particular requirements of your project the fee is likely to be in the order of 5-12% of the total build cost of your project depending upon the needs of your project.)

Following on from approval and feedback on the Concept Design Report we prepare PSP (Preliminary Sketch Plans) for review. PSP Sets contain floor plan with overall dimensions, room dimensions, draft site plan, draft elevations & draft sections. Following review, feedback and client approval of the PSP set we prepare FSP (Final Sketch Plans), Final Sketch Plans include a detailed site plan, dimensioned floor plan/s, internal and external elevations & sections, dimensioned joinery & furniture set-out plans, FSP report addressing accessibility and adaptability, as well as professional 3D digital renderings if requested.

Cost Influence Curve Architecture



Following client approval of the FSP set we move into detailed documentation and approvals. This includes the preparation of drawings, reports and specifications and schedules as required for Development Application, Building Approval and Tender.

There is a number of authority consultations, pre-approval submissions and other actions that can be taken to ensure your project is most likely to achieve relevant approvals. We have extensive experience and systems in place to help make the approval process as streamlined as possible.

Tender documentation require the coordination and incorporation of authority advice, consultant documentation and preparation of robust and extensive tender documentation, schedules, specifications and additional details in order to make the tender and following construction process as pain-free as possible.

Throughout the Documentation phase we discuss and coordinate with you detailed documentation items not already resolved in the Design phase particularly joinery and construction details.



Following the award of contract we are able to continue to give assistance in a number of ways through the construction phase.